Sometimes When The Curtains Are Open, We Wave At Each Other

by Fayen d’Evie & Lloyd Mst

This is a collaborative project between Lloyd Mst and Fayen d'Evie, initiated from a conversation around ekphrastic description. Approached as a method or exercise that provides a moment for pause, to mirror and reflect, the conversation expands to descriptions of physical surrounds (Reflection), references dug up and repurposed to provide context and knowledge (Matter) and ekphrastic descriptions written during the exchanges (Refraction).

Text to speech audio was created using AI; they are ekphrastic descriptions of our (She/They and He/They) voices.


Fayen d'Evie is an artist and writer, born in Malaysia, raised in Aotearoa, now living in the bushlands of unceded Jaara country. Fayen’s projects are often collaborative, and resist spectatorship by inviting audiences into sensorial readings of artworks. She is the founder of independent imprint 3-ply, which approaches artist-led publishing as an experimental site for the creation, dispersal, and archiving of texts.

Prior to artmaking, Fayen worked in international peacebuilding education and sustainability, for the United Nations mandated University for Peace, and for the Earth Council, based in Costa Rica. She continues to advise initiatives at the nexus of peacebuilding and arts, especially disability arts and social justice projects.

Lloyd Mst is a communication designer based in Naarm. Intrigued by nature, narrative, craft, and dialogue, Lloyd contributes to exhibitions, installations, publications, and typography alongside collaborators—including musicians, designers, small businesses, and cultural and creative practitioners. Research, readings, and references inform a critical practice that investigates accessibility, technology, and media. Working on Wurundjeri Country, the Traditional Owners of these lands are respected and revered with solidarity and support.

Leah McIntosh